Downloads Drupal 6: Explorer8 Modus

Explorer8 Modus

07/29/2009 by quiptime

Who in an easy and fast way of problems when viewing pages with the Explorer 8 will eliminate this module can be used.

Explorer 8 in the document compatibility mode

The document compatibility mode in the browser window is visible. There is a button to change the compatibility.

IE 8 modus

It seems the browser window of the Explorer 8 in normal or IE 8 mode. Discoverable the button to change the compatibility.

Explorer8 modus

IE 7 modus

Is there a website in the Document Explorer 7 compatibility mode it is the button to switch the compatibility is not available.

Explorer8 modus


Official releases Date Size Status
07/29/2009 2.66 KB Recommended for Drupal 6