Websites mit Drupal

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BBC using Drupal

2. Dezember 2009

BBC Magazines is the magazine publishing division of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Turns out that they have a number of magazine websites built on Drupal:

Linux Journal using Drupal and Mollom

23. November 2009

Linux Journal is a monthly magazine focused specifically on Linux. Linux Journal switched to Drupal in 2005, and hasn't looked back since. Last year in October of 2008 Linux Journal decided to turn to Mollom to protect their site against spammers.

Eric Clapton using Drupal

13. November 2009

The legendary singer, guitarist, songwriter and composer Eric Clapton is using Drupal for his website

AT&T using Drupal

6. November 2009

AT&T, the largest provider of local long distance telephone services in the United States, is using Drupal on for an add-on site called AT&T Apps Beta.

The website requires you to log in so there isn't much to explore without creating an account. Either way, AT&T Apps Beta is a platform for connecting highly involved AT&T customers with access to the latest and greatest mobile applications.

British Government using Drupal

4. November 2009

The British Government is using Drupal on an innovation initiative to encourage developers and designers share new ideas and showcase their work: see Directgov’s main site, is the official government website for citizens. It provides information and services from across government organizations.